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Monetary donations go a long way toward helping organizations move people out of homelessness.

Get Involved

Find out about local political proceedings in your city and advocate for affordable housing to meet the growing need for lasting solutions to homelessness, including in your own neighborhood.


Many groups need volunteers throughout the year, whether it is for a one-time event or an on-going commitment. For more information on opportunities to volunteer, visit the websites of our partner organizations or other local nonprofits.

Share Your Skills

Your individual talents and skills can make a lasting difference. Share your talents by helping to provide training and improve job skills. Or, provide important services such as haircuts, dental care, or legal help.


Do you own or manage a business? Many people who experience homelessness find it difficult to re-enter the job market. Consider working with a shelter or housing program to hire persons who are experiencing homelessness. Or create internships or mentorship opportunities for persons experiencing homelessness to gain valuable work experience.


Do you have extra space in your house? Consider renting out a room or converting a master suite to an Accessory Dwelling Unit to increase housing stock in the county while also supplementing your income.

Think About a Career in Helping Others

Trying to decide on a career or a career change? The helping professions need people who are passionate about the issues. If you are interested in making a lasting difference, consider a career in social work, law, non-profit, or social policy and make a career out of helping others.